I think Every Cloth Bum Mum washes thier nappies slightly differently however there are a few basics to follow. There's alot you an do to keep the process quick simple and cost effective - even during winter!!
Back in the day mum's used to have to soak thier nappies and boil them and do all manner of things to get thier baby's nappies clean. These days with the revelation of dry pailing and the fabulous invention of the washing machine washing your nappies can be as easy as washing your baby's cotton vests! Here's my recommendation!!
1. Pop all your nappies, wet bags, booster etc etc in the washing machine (usually no more than 2 days worth at a time)
2. Put them on a COLD RINSE.
3. Add 2-3 tablespoons of bold 2-in -1 and 2 tablespoons of Napisan and wash at 40 degrees Celsius. Wash at 60 degrees Celsius every few washes.
4. 1 - 2 rinses at no more than 30 degrees just to get rid of and more detergent.
5. Dry on airer or on washing line in summer.
It really is as simple as that. Occasionally - if you use any bamboo products - you may wish to run them through a tumble dryer to to soften them up however this is not an essential part of cloth nappy washing and my suggestion would be to refrain from using the tumble dryer to keep costs of washing down!!.
I recommend bold 2 in 1 as along my journey I learnt that it wash best for my nappies to be washed using a clay based rather than oil based softener which can prevent your nappies from being as absorbent as they could be!!
Need more tips?? Have something you would like to add or suggest you can email me at tinynippersblog@gmail.com where I will be happy to help!!
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Monday, 14 November 2011
Why Choose Cloth?: Cost (including recomended quantities)

It is really rather scary and I wish Tiny Nippers had been around when I was pregnant. I found looking at all the different websites distressing and thought there was no way on earth we could get enough inital funding for a decent stash of nappies when they seemed to range from £15 - £30 a pop, however good the quality and fit. We just don't have that kind of money and our council didn't provide any schemes! Thankfully next time it will be a little more easier not just to know where to go for EVERYTHING I need from the nappies to the wipes and liners but also because I will be reassued my pocket is protected. Tiny Nipper nappies start from £3.99 and they literally do have everything you need on thier website.
Here's the Cost and Quantities info from the Tiny Nippers Website
Cloth Savings
I have done some research to compare the savings that can be made by switching to cloth. All prices are based on average. This has been made by averaging the cost of supermarket own brands with the cost of branded, up to the average potty training age of 2.5 years.
I have also based the amount of nappies used per day as 7, taking into account using more when newborn, and less when older, but also other unavoidable circumstances such as diarrhoea (yuck!).
Cost of single disposable nappy = 20p
7 x nappies per day = £1.40
Cost per week = £9.80
Spend over 2.5 years (130 weeks) = £1274.00
So to compare with cloth, I will show the savings based on the prices of nappies that are on sale in the shop. This is based on 21 nappies for a baby of a few months of age, on nappies bought singly.
Cost of single nappy = £4.99
21 x nappies = £104.79
Spend over 2.5 years = £104.79 (not including the cost of postage, extra inserts and boosters that you may require)
Saving compared to disposables over 2.5 years = £1169.21
(I expect you could easily get all the extras you need for £50 or so, so even taking that into acount still an INCREDIBLE saving!!! AND like I said in a previous post nappies can be used on more than one child or sold on!)
So How many will you need?? again I went to the Tiny Nippers website to find the answer!
This all depends on how often you plan to wash your nappies. Generally, most people (and myself included) wash every 2nd day.
So this means you will need approximately 21. This is why;
7 - ready to wear
7 - being washed
7 - drying
For a newborn, you will probably need more, unless you plan to wash everyday. If you don't wish to wash everyday I would recommend 30.

10 - ready to wear
10 - being washed
10 - drying
Got any questions?? Email us!
Why Choose Cloth?: Saving the Environment!
There are many debates that go on over the environmental aspect of Cloth vs. Disposable nappies. Mis information all over the Internet confuses new mums and mums to be into believing that there are no benefits for using cloth over disposables where the environment is concerned! I believe this to be untrue.
Long before I actually had my baby I started reading about cloth nappies on forums and by googling. I will admit it scared me!! Rinsing, washing, rinsing, drying and IRONING!!! Needless to say I am now older and wiser and know better.
YES rinsing is advised. A cold rinse before the actual wash can help prevent staining and I believe is recommended by most cloth nappy companies. I will do a proper washing post later on.
Aside from washing there is the filling the landfill argument. Well a bonus to cloth Vs disposables is that cloth nappies wash well and can be sold on or used for more than one child. There are a lot of parenting forums which allow you to sell on your 'Pre- loved' Fluff for someone else to love and take care of. Cloth Bum Mums I have come across give the impression you may get struck by lightening If you were to throw away a precious fluffy nappy. I can't see anyone saying the same about a sposie can you?? Billions of disposables are thrown into landfill every year, just to sit there for the next 500 years taking up land that could have houses for future generations built on instead! Something to consider when you are making your decision.
Now I hold my hands up I used sposies on my baby when he first entered the world and so I do know the the pros and cons for both sides. He's almost out of nappies now but I am already building a stash of my favourite Tiny Nipper Nappies ready for baby number 2. I think that says alot ;)
So to sum up
Why Cloth Nappies?

YES rinsing is advised. A cold rinse before the actual wash can help prevent staining and I believe is recommended by most cloth nappy companies. I will do a proper washing post later on.

Now I hold my hands up I used sposies on my baby when he first entered the world and so I do know the the pros and cons for both sides. He's almost out of nappies now but I am already building a stash of my favourite Tiny Nipper Nappies ready for baby number 2. I think that says alot ;)
So to sum up
Why Cloth Nappies?
Environmental Aspects
After researching into cloth nappies, I found that not only was cost difference massive, but the environmental impact was huge.
For Example;
* Each nappy takes an average of 500 years to decompose.
* 3 billion disposables are thrown to landfill each year.
* Disposables account for up to 4% of landfill.
Taking all that into account, it makes for a very scary thought!
When you think about how many disposables you use in one week - an average of 35 maybe? - and think how you need less than that to cloth bum your baby until potty training age, you realise the negative environmental impact. Add into this that solids go to landfill aswell, which can cause contamination and health risks to the public.
So, not only are you saving money by switching to cloth, you are also saving the environment by not sending the 2 tonnes of disposables used per child to landfill!
Source: http://www.tinynippers.co.uk/why.html
After researching into cloth nappies, I found that not only was cost difference massive, but the environmental impact was huge.
For Example;
* Each nappy takes an average of 500 years to decompose.
* 3 billion disposables are thrown to landfill each year.
* Disposables account for up to 4% of landfill.
Taking all that into account, it makes for a very scary thought!
When you think about how many disposables you use in one week - an average of 35 maybe? - and think how you need less than that to cloth bum your baby until potty training age, you realise the negative environmental impact. Add into this that solids go to landfill aswell, which can cause contamination and health risks to the public.
So, not only are you saving money by switching to cloth, you are also saving the environment by not sending the 2 tonnes of disposables used per child to landfill!
Source: http://www.tinynippers.co.uk/why.html
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