Saturday, 19 November 2011

Washing Washing Washing!

I think Every Cloth Bum Mum washes thier nappies slightly differently however there are a few basics to follow. There's alot you an do to keep the process quick simple and cost effective - even during winter!!

Back in the day mum's used to have to soak thier nappies and boil them and do all manner of things to get thier baby's nappies clean. These days with the revelation of dry pailing and the fabulous invention of the washing machine washing your nappies can be as easy as washing your baby's cotton vests! Here's my recommendation!!

1. Pop all your nappies, wet bags, booster etc etc in the washing machine (usually no more than 2 days worth at a time)
2. Put them on a COLD RINSE.
3. Add 2-3 tablespoons of bold 2-in -1 and 2 tablespoons of Napisan and wash at 40 degrees Celsius. Wash at 60 degrees Celsius every few washes.
4. 1 - 2 rinses at no more than 30 degrees just to get rid of and more detergent.
5. Dry on airer or on washing line in summer.

It really is as simple as that. Occasionally - if you use any bamboo products - you may wish to run them through a tumble dryer to to soften them up however this is not an essential part of cloth nappy washing and my suggestion would be to refrain from using the tumble dryer to keep costs of washing down!!.
I recommend bold 2 in 1 as along my journey I learnt that it wash best for my nappies to be washed using a clay based rather than oil based softener which can prevent your nappies from being as absorbent as they could be!!

 Need more tips?? Have something you would like to add or suggest you can email me at where I will be happy to help!!

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